Monography by Heber Perdigón

The bilingual monograph: French and Spanish dedicated to José Gamarra, a great French-Uruguayan artist, traces the career of an itinerant painter between Uruguay, Brazil and France, where the artist has lived since 1963. The reader will discover through this book 75 years of artistic career from the age of 12. Since his early childhood, José Gamarra has shown his sensitivity for art through drawings and portraits of his schoolmates. His training at the School of Fine Arts in Montevideo (Uruguay) opened the doors of galleries and museums. In 1959 he obtained a scholarship from the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In 1961, he was appointed professor of drawing and fresco at the School of Art, Alvares Penteado Foundation, in Sao Paulo, Brazil. In 1962, he received the Painting Prize of the Paris Biennial and a scholarship from the French State. His long career continues in France and his works travel all over the world, foundations, exhibitions, artistic events, in the major museums of Europe, North and South America and beyond in Africa and Asia….

The book is profusely illustrated in color and black and white and contains a biography and a chronology of the painter, his personal and collective exhibitions, bibliography and the list of museums and public institutions where his works are located. The book presents more than 900 of his works accompanied by technical data sheets, as well as an anthology of critical texts dedicated to the artist.

Author: Heber Perdigon
Publisher. Heber Perdigon
Format: 24 x 30,5 cm
Hard cover. 424 pages
Interior pages white paper 150 g/m2-Poids 2.6K
USD 85 fuels a journey of discovery of the life and work of José Gamarra.